Hi! I'm Rozz Palacio. I'm a seasonal programmer and coding is my hobby. I get quickly fascinated whenever I see people creating new projects or solving problems through coding. Right now I'm trying to enhance my knowledge and skill in web application development during my spare time. I'm a full-time employee in a private company here in the Philippines under the equipment engineering department.
As I moved to the next level of my career, I'm no longer responsible for the technical aspect only but I'm now also responsible for the people under my wings, and at the same time I am also responsible for the stability of the department I'm currently handling. Being a department manager is truly a very challenging job. It requires a tremendous amount of time, sacrifice, patience, and focus. But it taught me a lot about handling business the hard way. And that is something I appreciate and I will carry in the next journey of my career.
As I continue the journey of my career, many of the people whom I interact with appreciate my value and find my technical knowledge and skill useful in their team and company. This gave me the leverage to gain some additional pay rates and benefits when I was hired as a field service engineer. I managed to see other countries in Asia without the expense of my own. The company sent me to other countries to set up and qualify the equipment the clients have bought, or sometimes to upgrade or fix their hard-down system.
As I developed my technical knowledge of different equipment and machinery, I went back to my basic programming subjects like turbo basic/BASICA during my college and coupled it with personal studies about computer networking I managed to generate projects that can automate machine systems to simplify the task of operators and technicians during machine setup and conversion. It eliminates error through a sequence of commands package in an auto-run batch file running MS-DOS. This helped me to showcase my value and talent when I was hired as an Application Specialist in a very well-known semiconductor company in the northern part of Luzon.
When I graduated from college with the Industrial Electronics technology course, I was blessed to be hired and trusted by one of the multi-million dollar semiconductor manufacturing companies in the Philippines where I learned and gained the real-world knowledge and skills of being a responsible and disciplined technician. The core moral values and work ethics taught by the Meralco Foundation Institute help me a lot to accomplish my daily tasks at the highest level of professionalism.
The people I work with, especially the operators in my same shift are the one who challenges and influence me to become better every day every time I hear how much they appreciate the effort and results I deliver in every single day of my job.
In the summer of 1995, I got my first job as a floor manager (janitor) in a Supermarket near our place. After doing my janitorial task in the morning, I will help the other guy in the warehouse to prepare the items to be displayed in the store area. By noontime, I will be stationed at the cashier counter as a bagger then when there are not many customers in the afternoon I will do the task of the merchandizer, refilling the stocks on the shelves. By closing time, we have to map and clean the whole store and the comfort rooms. As an employee of a supermarket, it is an honor to serve the customer with a big smile even though I'm very tired and sweat is dripping all over my face. Because I know for a fact, that it is where I decently earned my daily living.
At the age of 35, I received my Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology. This is to complete my dream and my parent's dream to have my degree. My father wanted me to have an engineering degree but since I was the one who paid for it so I chose the course I wanted and that is Information Technology.
People who know me asked why I didn't get an engineering course considering I'm already handling the equipment engineering team. My answer is very simple, in the future all the engineering information and knowledge shall be available with a single click of a keyboard and that's because of Information Technology.
It is an honor and one of the greatest blessings in my life is to graduate from Meralco Foundation Institute as a scholar. I can't imagine myself where I am right now if I failed to finish my course in Industrial Electronics Technology. I can still remember that time that I had to take a remedial class because I failed my Introduction to Computer Science subject. For sure my college ICS instructor will be surprised if she finds out that I can now code using a different programming language.
Being less fortunate we don't have the resources that can bring me to college during that time. I owe it to our high school guidance counselor who asked me where would study for college then gave me the MFI scholarship form and told me why not to try. And the rest is history...
Designing is one of my passions. I've been using AutoCAD, AutoDesk Inventor, and Solidworks 3D design before I handled the New Product Design and Development team in the company I'm currently working. This AutoCAD formal training was part of the package when our company purchased the upgraded version of AutoCAD software during that time.
My very first formal lesson and training for visual basic programming. Before I enrolled in this course I already created a VB6 application for the thesis of computer engineering students. I taught myself to code using a cheap second-hand VB6 book I bought. I attended the formal training to enhance my knowledge and for the certificate.
MMy very first Microsoft Office training course where I learned to use EXCEL, WORD, and POWERPOINT at work.